The strategy Europe 2020 launched by the European Commission at the beginning of the decade aims at a development process for the European Union that should be not only inclusive and sustainable but also “intelligent”, that is on knowledge-based. The increasing of knowledge and its dissemination among the peoples obviously depends on the
intensification of the intervention by the Member States, which are the most qualified actors in the field of Education and it should be implemented according to a body of theory recently consolidated. Yet, national interventions are very different from one another as
they root in different cultures, with the consequence of getting different results too. In order to avoid such a negative implication, the European Union has already started a series of transnational programs aiming, particularly, at the development of education in
European societies, and encouraging the mobility of students and teachers, as well as the exchange of practices and experiences among different educational systems. This is the only way, indeed, to challenge such a competition on a global scale.