In recent years, the issues of the territorial governance, in particular the so-called loss of land, and the local finance are central to the debate and the public agenda
This paper analyzes the main proposals of the law of parliamentary and governmental initiatives, submitted by the middle of 2014, in the matter of governance of the territory limited to fiscal and financial aspects.
In order to make a comparison and an overall assessment of these bills has been carried out a survey of recent trends in legislation in the field of public finance, finance of municipalities and ways of financing the metropolitan cities, and a review of the main experiences Italian and foreign taxation in urban development.
The proposals analyzed taking joint objectives of disincentive the use of new building areas and to incentives the use of brownfield sites and the built heritage and involve the use of different tools of fiscal and financial position.
From all of the proposals emerging awareness of the scarcity of financial resources currently available to local governments, the attention focused on the costs of urbanization and the need to use tools equalization or compensation to supra-municipal level with the participation of the regions.
However, compared with the fiscal and financial instruments offered by the theoretical contributions and emerging from experiences foreign and domestic, further space for innovation emerge from the application of the extraordinary contribution to the urban transformation hypothesised for the financing of Metropolitan Cities