Remote working across the European Union before and in Covid-19 pandemic
Davide Dazzi, Daniela Freddi

Policymakers, social parts, businesses, employees, media and citizens became familiar with a broad use of words such as remote working, teleworking, working from home, mobile worker, ICT-based worker. In this view, it is of crucial importance to define a general conceptual framework related to the terms referred to when a person works from a distance. The present paper delves into a taxonomy of the regulations and approaches to remote work within the EU. The results highlight that several characteristics of teleworking, positive and negative, were already known before the pandemic and they have substantially been confirmed by the massive shift occurred after the pandemic outbreak. As we saw in the report, no specific EU Directives were dedicated to remote working before Covid-19 even if many directives and EU regulations had indirect implications on it.

Volume: 12
Lingua: en
Keywords: Remote work; post-pandemic recovery; regulation
Classificazione JEL: J51; J83; K31
Pagine: 46
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