Enviromental Innovations, Complementarity and Local/Global Cooperation
Giulio Cainelli, Massimiliano Mazzanti, Roberto Zoboli

This paper exploits a rich, new innovation based dataset of 555 industrial firms, located in the Emilia Romagna region in 2006-2008, to analyse complementarity in factors related to eco-innovation (EI) and to test the role of firm cooperation and internationally oriented strategies. EI is providing additional competitive advantage and is relevant to all EU industries. Results show that the degree of complementarity between various correlated EI factors is quite high, with networking and corporate social responsibility (CSR) playing dominant roles. It would seem that EIs do not undermine economic performance, either in the short run or in the context of the global financial crisis. Econometric analyses highlight that international characteristics, especially foreign ownership, and networking with other firms and institutions are important for EI adoption, while general research and development is less so. Over and above the structural features of firms, strategic relationships within regions and at the international level are relevant and differentiate innovative performance. Spots of a green dawn seem appearing from the historical 'brown' and polluting industrial setting of the region. Its brilliant economic performances could decouple if this improvement continues. This study provides and in depth regional investigation which could complement the information gathered in the last wave of the Community Innovation Survey which included questions on EI.

Lingua: en
Keywords: Eco-innovation; complementarity; local industrial systems; networking; international strategies
Classificazione JEL: C21; L60; O13; O30; Q20; Q58
Pagine: 51
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