The present work aims to analyze the impacts of the new legislative and institutional Italian context for the local utilities, with regard to the governance and management systems for local authorities and local utilities organizations.
In particular, there are three different aspects, which are to be studied in depth: the first one considers the consequences of the new institutional context on the governance choices of a local authority towards local utilities organizations, operating on its territory. In this sense, it has been critically considered the strategic positioning possibilities and the options of aggregation, partnership and privatization. The second aspect considers the characters of a consistent strategic and management control system for local utilities organizations. More specifically, it has been analyzed the usefulness of introducing a multidimensional performance measurement system, similarly to the Balanced Scorecard, through four dimensions: qualitative, social, economic and internal processes.
Finally, the third aspect considers some relevant ways for financing the mediumlong term investment initiatives. In particular, it has been considered the project financing, with attention to its technical aspects and to the effects of its application on the policies of development
for the local utilities organizations.