Le Istituzioni Internazionali nell'era della globalizzazione
Giorgio Prodi

Aim of this paper is to analyse the relation between globalisation and the role of international organizations. My argument is that globalisation involve a different role for international institutions.
The first part briefly describes the concept and the impact of globalisation divided in its four main elements (international trade, financial markets, migrations, technologies). We underlain lights and shadows of globalisation: there are areas that improved their economic and social situation but also countries that got worst year after year.
The second part describes the role of international organisations in this dynamic situation. We start from a brief description of the origins of these institutions, from the end of the second world war to the "Washington Consensus"
We show that international organisations changed considerably their goals without a proportionate change of their institutional structure.
There is still a role for international institutions but it is necessary a less dogmatic approach to development policies. Policies need to be more country specific and as much as possible coordinated. To do that it is necessary a new balance between international institution and single country and between countries inside international institutions.

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