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5/2005 January Leonzio Rizzo Interaction between Vertical and Horizontal Tax Competition: Theory and Evidence
4/2005 January Valentino Larcinese, Leonzio Rizzo, Cecilia Testa The Allocation of the US Federal Budget to the States: Evidence on the Power of the President
3/2005 January Corrado Benassi, Alessandra Chirco, Caterina Colombo Vertical Differentiation and the Distribution of Income
2/2005 January Massimiliano Mazzanti, Anna Montini The Determinants of Residential Water Demand. Empirical evidence for a panel of Italian municipalities
1/2005 January Luca Delsoldato, Paolo Pini Sviluppo organizzativo, partecipazione dei dipendenti e relazioni industriali in Barilla e Parmalat